Monday, October 22, 2012

Call It September

This is delayed and belated. I've split my time since the last post (call it a month) drunk/with school/with work/with band; sloppy on all accounts. I wouldn't say writing has taken a back seat to anything, but it has taken the form of scribbles on scrap paper. I tell myself, "Don't work on writing, there is school to be done!" But nothing is ever finished. So for this, I will gather up the few papers and translate. I'm certainly not promising any of it is good. These are only the papers I can find that were between me and the beer.

Scratch That

She cut my hand
  where the blood line crosses
I moved it back and
  P  U  L  L  E  D
my nails over the wound

Otis Redding came on
and we fucked the whole
thing up

He can't stand beside me
while I write this
dumb shit
all of the time
As if this is

One Cat, New Cat, Red Fish

She's barely new
to this world
has ripped my curtains

She's pissed
all over my brown robe
I ask her

"Can you act
like a lady for once?"

Vomit on the floor
rubbing her vagina
on my new typewriter

There's that joke
Take me out to dinner first
But I can't even get a collar
that will stay tight


I worry
I don't know
where she is
what pain is

I see it
I feel her
Is this
the worst
What I call

Am I
the others
are so

(I Was Drunk For This One)

After I fucked her
In the shower
I looked down
on myself

I asked if she had
a chainsaw somewhere
in her vagina

She had
it seemed

So we washed off
we dried off
had a cigarette
drank a beer
and turned on
the music

The last piece I was going to include isn't that great and could lead toward another intervention so I have chosen to omit the whole thing. I assure you, it was actually hinting towards my own fear of death. Oh hell.... Unfortunately/ Considering death/ but when it comes/ I know I won't/ want it.

That wasn't so bad. Was it.