Monday, July 23, 2012

Something From June

The System Failed Us

Alice and I
had worked out
a little system

When she pulled
her car into the yard
on lunch break
she would know
whether I had
picked up the mail
if the front door
was open

Our system
was blown
to shit
when it started
to snow

Admiring, Simply Admiring

The boy working the counter
at the corner store
admired my mustache
and told me so
every time I went in
for cigarettes and beer

I once lay a 6 pack of talls down
and he told me in a gentle voice
he had tried to grow a beard since
the last time I was in (3 days)
His clean shaven cheeks moved
up and down
as the words fell out
he just couldn't get past
the itchy stage

He rang me up
I pulled out
a $20 and explained
the women have no problem
growing them on their legs

why should it be
any different

Not The Farmer, Not Me

She phoned often
while she sat on the couch
to ask things like

"How's work?"

It somehow surprised me
nearly every time
and I would tell her

"It's boring as hell."

and she would sigh
under her breath
as if I would have more to say

"Oh, I'm sorry it's so boring."

I would reassure her
and explain that no one expects
their work to be exciting
Not the mechanic
Not the mailman
Not the matador
Not even the mouse
or cat

"Is that all you called for?"

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