Tuesday, August 28, 2012

This Isn't August! Only A Glimpse. I Hate People That Say "Glimpse"

Brooke, I have to email back a journal about having a tiny little poem published sometime around Aug. 21. I mean it, the poem is four lines and wasn't even the best one I sent them, so I'm not emailing to brag or anything. I'm emailing because they asked in my response for author info to be included in the publication... including "your Twitter handle (if you have one), so we can promote you there on the big day." All I'm asking is if I should make an account or not specifically for this occurrence. Would it be worth it? I have to reply to them by the 9th (2 days) and the "edition" is "published" on the 21st. Don't you have to build up followers beforehand on Twitter before it matters if someone is promoting anything? Well, that's what I need to know. And don't be biased, I know you think I should get an account anyway. Just asking if I should even worry about having one by the 21st. Hah! Ridiculous. By the way, my new phone is in the mail and Sprint says it's worth nearly $600. A Nexus I think? I don't know. So hell has frozen over. Let me know what you think about Twitter when you get this. I gotta email the bastards back soon!


I'm glad to see that "Shoreside Shells" is to be published at F*** and T*****. I thoroughly enjoy your publication. In response to the congratulatory email I received, I happily accept the terms that were identified at the bottom. I would like my name to appear as Brandon T. Roach. If I provided an author bio with my submission that will work fine. My only request is that a link to the following site be provided.


If I did not provide an author bio in my original submission, the following would be acceptable:

"Brandon T. Roach of Kansas is the proud son of a garbage man and a wet nurse; their collective influence is present in many of his poems. This is his second appearance at Four and Twenty."

My Twitter handle is BrandonTRoach

Also, I may have missed a single space in my submission of "Shoreside Shells" in the part "stones,death". That is how it appeared on my copy of the submission. Leave it, fix it, it does not matter to me. I only thought I would point it out.

Thanks again,

Thursday, August 9, 2012

July to me, baby. It is a big one!

Small-Time Editor

I bring the small cat out
with me and say

"You can't drink beer!
  Get! Get! Shoo!
  Which one would you like
  to read?
  Oh! This one?"

So I give him the last paper
to push its way through this machine
and he starts by biting it

I guess you have to test
the quality of the paper
before you can read
the poem

I was saddened by it
and my cheeks seemed
to grow heavier
when he shredded it
as if it were made of burlap
stapled to a an old scrap
of two by four
I said weakly

"Thank you, small cat.
  I need your honesty
  else I would turn this in
  and we would both look
  very ignorant of the ways
  of the poem."

I could tell by this point
the small cat had done
all the reading he cared for
He begged to go back
inside and I give you

That's Not Bad

The analysts make me smile
the mothers make me smile
their daughters make me smile
when they grin
"What does it mean?"

What was the first
poem I had published?

She dangles her legs
off the deep end
I swim a cat amongst carp

Something of that nature
speaks volumes
if a picture is 1000
then a word is 1

I tell them that day
"I got published!"
I was happy
and went to bed smiling
for the first time
in a decade
but it rings in my ears
"What does it mean?"
and I take the first exit
"It means whatever
you want it to mean"
Like and artist

That poem above
my virgin poem
may not be word for word
put in digital ink so long ago
but it is close enough
for deconstruction

It's about honey
a long drink of sap
who put herself out there
and I am one of two things
A feline on the side of the pool
stretching a paw deep to the fish
or a bottom feeder swimming
with another fish deemed
inedible in America

I wrote the phrase
"A cat amongst carp"
several years before
I placed it in that poem
and I only did it
to get published

Put It In Ink

Recuperation is the mortar filling the cracks
holding sleeping beauty however sexy
to fix a hangover

It takes water
It takes a bloody mary
Champagne and orange juice!
You say to the waiter
"Do you think you could just bring a pitcher?"

He responds in his rehearsed and authentic accent
"I bring you three drinks friend!"

You think to yourself that one of your sisters
should date this guy but I'm sure he has
no short list of women to call on a Tuesday

Then he walks off and you think only to yourself
That commie is fit, man. He fills out those jeans
I know damn well I don't have and ass that fills out mine
How do you get that? It must be genetics

You also think to yourself alone
If I were to write about this
it would make me out to be queer
maybe write about it but change
the goddamn RED with great triceps
and an ass that fills out his jeans
into a tall blond with D's
and big fake fingernails
yeah, perfect
put it in ink

West Port

When I get to Kansas City
the few times a year
I step lightly into a ready-made
spring (or summer) trap waiting
laid before me
and she always knows
how to have a good time

This time I told her
before I knew it we were
shaking hands with the professional
football players, watching
a fatter gal light up the fiddle
at a piano bar
and I was drunk

people were being thrown out
for as little as flashing their pussies
on stage
a short, hairless, chubby
kid must have thought the applause
was universal and dropped his shorts too
but he didn't get booted
and I wasn't getting kicked out either
so we left

We coasted smoothly the few blocks
to her car but were bothered
by a quartet of high school street
the tenor sax player asked
"Dollar for a song?"
I said no
and asked him to impress me first
So they played and played
when they were finished
I offered them credit
for wasting my time

The singer adjusted his Target fadora
and asked me

"What did your mom say
when you grew that mustache?
Mine told me I had to shave it off."

"She was the one that asked me to grow it
so don't be too hard on her, son."

With those parting words we crossed the street
I pissed on Westport
got in the car
and it was a good night
after all

When The Dogs Are Sleeping

I sit in a late 80's model camper
thinking what I can
the obvious things like

"I wonder what Neil Young is doing tonight?"

but I won't lose sleep over it
if I can ever get there anyway

We all wonder the same
what the others are doing
but we shouldn't
I know what we are all doing
right now.

We're doing all right I guess
My girlfriend is sleeping in the house
My dad is sleeping somewhere by a lake
and my friend David who paints on his walls
is stoned
but sleeping by his girlfriend
above the hot streets of West Wichita
Neil? He had his glass of wine
and crawled in bed hours ago
and I am sitting in front of my machine
in a late 80's camper
writing this